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August 2024

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June 2024

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April 2024

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December 2023

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April 2023

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March 2023

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February 2023

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February 2023

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January 2023

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Ikklikkja fuq id-dokument biex tkabbar!

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December 2022

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November 2022

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October 2022

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Il-Kunsill Lokali San Pawl il-Baħar jixtieq jinfurma lir-residenti li ser jigi organizzat Kors tal-Ortikultura mir-Reġjun Tramuntana skond l-iskeda mehmuża.
Għal aktar informazzjoni, jekk jogħġbok ċempel fuq ☎️ – 21585888 jew ibgħat email fuq sanpawlil-baħar.lc@gov.mt

The San Pawl il Baħar Local Council would like to inform the residents that a Horticulture Course will be organized by Reġjun Tramuntana as per the schedule attached.
For more information, please call on ☎️ – 21585888 or send an email on sanpawlil-baħar.lc@gov.mt


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September 2022

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August 2022

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May 2022

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April 2022

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March 2022

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January 2022

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December 2021

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November 2021

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Qawra Community Service invites you to join us for a Movie Night!

The movie will be aired on big screen. Food and drinks will be provided for the whole family free of charge.

Covid-19 regulations will be adhered to. It is highly recommended that you give us a call on 22697116/99557701 to book a place. Places are limited due to the regulations.

Time: 7:30pm – onwards
Place: Agency for Community and Therapeutic Services – Qawra (previously known as: Centru Leap – Triq il-Frejgatina)Qawra Community Service invites you to join us for a Movie Night!

The movie will be aired on big screen. Food and drinks will be provided for the whole family free of charge.


Kindly note that as from Monday 2nd August 2021 till Friday 30th August 2021, our office will be open between 7.30am – 12.00pm during the week.

June 2021

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April 2021

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January 2021

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December 2020

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November 2020

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October 2020

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September 2020

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August 2020

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July 2020

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May 2020

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